6 One Foundation Training Courses

Our Training Courses

Register for Training or one of our Courses here at 6 One Foundation.  Learn about some of the many things that could affect your life, your love one, and your future. 

people, group, many

241-1 Intro to Better Behavior

The rates of alcohol and drug use among youth who flee their homes or are homeless are higher than those of their peers. These young people also frequently lack access to medical and behavioral health treatment, as well as higher incidence of a number of psychiatric problems (such as conduct disorders, anxiety, and depression). Children and young people of all ages are served by afterschool programs, also known as OST or out-of-school time programs.

school, mouth guard, mask

132-2 First aid in Mental Health

You may take care of your emotional wellbeing by using coping mechanisms and engaging in self-care. Environmental wellness is correlated with safe environments (both physically and emotionally). Consider carefully where you choose to spend your time. Do you experience trauma or abuse? Having satisfaction with one's present and future financial circumstances is a sign of financial wellbeing.

welcome, to, class

144-2 Mentoring

It is challenging to find time to be present for people and even for ourselves in today's increasingly fast-paced environment. As a result, there are fewer places where people can discuss their mental health. Therefore, the day has been set aside to foster supportive communities by holding discussions about mental health with loved ones, friends, or coworkers. All of us require healthy mental health. We may assist one another and ourselves by talking about it.

isolated, business, formal

217-3 Dress Up For Success

The impact of attire on a person's success in both their personal and professional lives. Dress as if you already hold the position. Unconsciously, respondents evaluated the wearer's attire to determine whether they blended in with the other employees. First impressions are important when it comes to how to dress for success in a job interview.

business, content, fashion

164-1 How to Tie ...

Knots vary greatly from one another. Size, symmetry, and shape can all differ significantly from knot to knot and should all be taken into account. Smaller knots like the Four-in-Hand or Simple knot are frequently required for thick connections. Larger knots like the Pratt or Windsor are typically preferable for thin ties. Each knot has an own personality.

wallet, credit card, cash

389-3 Having Good Credit

Building up a solid credit score can enable you to save money and simplify your financial situation. Your ability to negotiate for a reduced interest rate on a credit card or new loan depends on your credit score. You can benefit from other tempting offers you've received from other businesses depending on your credit score if you need more negotiating leverage.