
Our Services...

Through repeated failures in the classroom and the development of destructive habits, at-risk young people have lost faith in the possibilities that await them if they are successful in putting their lives together. To accomplish this goal, young people must be in a caring, inclusive learning environment that promotes their best effort and reinforces personal respect. 

6 One Foundation Inc. provides mentoring programs for middle and high school youth in the Washington D.C. area.  The program will form partnerships with local school districts and the juvenile court system. Youth are matched with a caring adult volunteer who is trained to focus on positive reinforcement, trust-building, and the achievement of goals, by engaging youth in one-on-one outing and group adventures in the community.  Mentors and youth agree to meet for a few hours per month for a full year. 

Courses To Imporve Your Way of Life...


Teenagers' knowledge of money is frequently restricted to one specific area of spending it. Parents play a crucial role in boosting kids' financial literacy and putting them in a position to make wise choices when they move on to college or start living on their own, as is the case with most aspects of a child's development.

Behavior Health

The most well-known theory in the area of human development is perhaps psychologist Eric Erikson (1902–1994). Using a theoretical framework based on the eight phases of development that all children experience as they grow from infants to adults, he offered a model and identified key skills that children need to acquire in order to succeed as adults.


All children naturally enjoy drawing. Children start experimenting with drawing tools and making marks on paper when they are very young, and as they become older, these marks start to have meaning. It's not necessary to officially teach kids how to sketch. Giving children access to materials and sketching equipment and allowing them to express themselves freely are the finest ways to teach them.


Millions of young people still need supporting, long-lasting relationships with loving adults today. In order to help young people succeed in life and achieve their goals, mentoring pairs them with advisors who can form an emotional connection with them, have more experience than the trainee, and can offer support, chances, and direction.

We Provide the Best Youth Service in D.C.

We are constantly working on improving our services to better help the students. Please check back with us soon.

Our Specialization

We take a closer look at the root cause, Mental Health, and Wellness. Today’s child is in a constant battle with multiple symptoms of Anxiety, Emotional, and Depressive Disorders.   One of the preventive methods is to talk about the issue.  Because talk therapy can be individual or in a group. We chose the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D).  HAM-D would allow us to determine the level of depression and select the next course of action to take.  The results lead us to positive emotional and physical well-being as a treatment for the youth.  

Important Information Youths Need...

Time Management... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

Health and Wellness... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

Communication Skills... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

Money Management... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

Self Awareness... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

Coping with Failure... (Click)

We are still working on completing out services to better help our clients. Please check back with us soon.

The signs and symptoms of various depressive disorders vary from person to person and are determined by the depression a person is experiencing, the availability of social support, adequate coping skills, symptom frequency, and symptom severity. The Behavioral Symptoms are Irritability and restlessness, angry outbursts, spending increasing amounts of time sleeping, withdrawing from once-pleasurable activities, and suicide attempts. Physical Symptoms are insomnia, fatigue and decreased energy, changes in eating patterns, headaches, and aches and pains. Cognitive Symptoms are increasing preoccupation with depressive feelings, decreased ability to make decisions, trouble recalling details, decreased ability to concentrate, slowed thinking and speaking.

Behavioral Health Signs...